Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rockstar Games Confirm Grand Theft Auto V?

It might be a long way off but Rockstar co-head-honcho Dan Houser has dropped the first hints that the team’s ready to start conjuring up ideas for Grand Theft Auto 5.

The build up to Grand Theft Auto saw fingers reduced to bloody stumps, and it looks like Rockstar’s planning to put gamers through it once more after Rockstar co-president chatted briefly about GTA 5.

But don’t plan that pre-order just just. It’s barely in the design stage. There’s still the matter of where to set the carjacking follow up.

We’ll think of a city first, then the characters.” According to The Times the script will be up to or around 1,000 pages long. That’s ten times as many as a feature film, apparently.

Houser also hit out at those eager to chastise video games for encouraging bad behaviour. “Look, video games are a popular and easy enemy,” he said, adding that the controversy is all part of doing stuff that hasn’t been done before.

He suggested that there’s a double standard when it comes to so-called violent games and movies.

Manhunt 2 was banned in the same week that Saw was released. The arguments become quite ludicrous quite quickly when people argue that games are somehow more dangerous than full-motion video.”

Within Rockstar, sometimes we feel that some of our games get singled out and held up as pariahs. All we want to do is tell a story with rounded characters. Like GoodFellas, which is a key film for us, our rounded characters happen to be criminals.”