Monday, November 30, 2009

Italian Police TOTAL Lamborghini Super cop car

You know it was just a matter of time before the Italian police crashed their 520-horsepower Lamborghini super cop car.

So what exactly happened to the Lamborghini that forced the Italians to total the car?

According to the Italian police a driver cut off the Lamborghini forcing the "highly trained" driver of the super cop car to slam into a row of parked cars.

Notice that if you plow into a parked car with a an ultra low Lamborghi, you tend to end up under the parked car.

The British Guardian Newspaper is reporting that:

"The front end of the Lamborghini was demolished and the driver and a passenger were injured, although not seriously.

The Italian police have used Lamborghinis, complete with white speed stripes, since 2004 in an effort to keep up with speeding motorists. The cars, which have a top speed of 200 mph, are also equipped with defibrillators and fridges for transporting transplant organs.